Most people genuinely want to know God; it’s church they want to stay away from! At Breath of Life Church our greatest desire is for you to come to know a loving God, without your perception of religion getting in the way. Come and see for yourself just how amazing and fun church can be!
At Breath of Life Church, you can expect a dynamic, fun, and casually powerful church service that includes great music, practical Biblical teaching, and an opportunity to experience the presence of God. We believe that God’s love for you is so great that, given the opportunity, He will make Himself real to you. You can feel free to participate in the service or simply sit back and take it all in.
I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
(Ezekiel 37:6)
As water is a necessity to life, people cannot live without the breath of God. Believing that God will breathe life back into His lost, hurting and dying world is the focus of our mission.
House Church
Missions & Discipleship
Our Core Values impact everything we do as a church and every active ministry within and outside the church walls.
Our Core Values are: Love. Lead. Live.
Love: “God so loved the world.” (John 3:16). We respond in LOVE to what Jesus did for us and who he is. We love God and love people.
Lead: “Let you light shine before men, that they may see our good deeds and glorify God in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16). We are LEADING intentional lives invaded by God so that men will come to Christ.
Live: “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” (Acts 2:46, 47). We LIVE life in community to meet others needs, equipping one another for the mission and to edify the body of Christ.
We value the presence of the Holy Spirit and the demonstration of the miraculous in our midst.
We value the Bible as God’s Word to us.
We value anointed praise and worship and God inspired messages as catalysts for transformation in the lives of individuals and the church.
We value all people and are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission by communicating the Gospel to the world both in word and deed.
We value intimacy and communion with God as the highest priority in our daily lives, then with our spouses, our children, and others.
We value the ministry of the laying on of hands as a means of imparting the life producing anointing of God to an individual.
We value authenticity and the hunger for spiritual growth in the lives of Christ’s followers.
We value our relationships with others and seek to support and serve one another, to show grace rather than judgment to each other, and to regard the personal interests of others as more important than our own.
Justin Petrovich
Lead Pastor
Cheryl Petrovich
Jason Petrovich
Youth Leader
Katrina Morgan
Interim-LifeKidz Coordinator
Tony Sleem
House Church Pastor
Jeff Page
Justin Petrovich
Tony Sleem
Jason Petrovich
Dave Morgan